Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Game Time!

It's spirit week here at Vanguard and that means lunchtime games!

  • ·      Friday: Drop The Bomb. You have to drop pens from three feet in the air into skinny milk bottles.
  • ·      Tuesday: Use Your Head: Contestants need to get a partner and someone sits in a chair with a cup on their head. The other person needs to take a ping-pong, bounce it off the table, off the wall and then get it into the cup 5 times.
  • ·      Wednesday: Halloween Karaoke! "You can wear a mask and sing poorly and no one will know it was you!" says Mr. Impastato. Someone should take him up on this.
  • ·      Thursday: Shoo Fly Shoe! You have to stand 10 feet away from a table and fling your shoe onto the table. Please wear clean socks. We don't want the tech center stinking up.
  • ·      Friday: We're closing the week off with the usual of a pie eating contest, team tug-of-war and room decorating. Good luck, and may the best team win!

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