Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Julia's Dress-Making Skills

Julia Sovcik, one of Vanguard’s newest Vipers, just recently won an award from one of her fashion competitions. A junior from RMHS, she’s been sewing since she was 3. When she was still at Meadows, Fashion Teacher Carol DeReu approached Julia and suggested that she enter this competition, and Julia excitedly entered. She then placed 2nd over at sectionals, and then followed up with another 2nd place at the State competition. While that was last year, Julia just competed again, as of February 19th. “It’s what I’m passionate about, and it sure looks good on a college application,” Julia said.

Good grief! She destroyed the competition (15+ girls) with her black, vintage-inspired prom dress. She then received a score of 97/100 and the “Most Outstanding” award. Keep in mind, folks, this dress is entirely handmade. Apparently, it took her a little over a month to sew the whole thing, even though “I barely worked it on each day,” Julia confessed.

“I hate the typical prom dress idea, to be frank,” Julia explained. “The whole, pink or white dress covered in glitter never suited me. The inspiration for my dress, was from my grandma, my ‘Nana.’”
“It was elegant with a modern edge,” Ms. Felfle said. Congratulations for being a superstar and a future contestant on Project Runway, Julia. Your competitors obviously don’t stand a chance, regardless of their “skills”. We’re glad to have you at Vanguard.

Story by Kevin Bazarek

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2010 Winter Olympics at Melas Park

Team Italy gets ready to leave the gate for the Bobsleigh final.
Danny Vences and Team Greece prepare for Bobsleigh event.
Mr. Markos prepares Olympians for the skeleton event.
Dr. Koralik thinks back to better days like the '02 Winter Games.
Olympian Adam Peterson always showing off. What a showoff! I mean, what a terrific helper!

WHO: The students and staff in Integrated Studies. P.E Teacher Tedd Markos was in charge of these shenanigans.
WHAT and WHY: Paying homage to the tradition of the Winter Olympics, students separated into different teams such as "Team Korea" or "Team Canada." These teams then took part in three main Winter Olympic events. These include Skeleton, Luge, and the Bobsleigh. Music accompanied each event with the Olympic theme and, once in a while, GucciMane
WHEN: All of this happened Friday, February 19 all day long
WHERE: Melas Park in the Mountain of Prospect
WHAT NEXT: Medal Ceremonies

Photos and captions by Kevin Bazarek

Friday, February 19, 2010

Revolting Blob.

Having a stalker with the name of “Revolting Blob” is not usually a good thing. After a year and a half of careful investigation, the mysterious “Revolting Blob” is back in the spotlight. Through a long and laborious build up of evidence, “Revolting Blob” has indirectly caused much finger-pointing, though this shadow individual has yet to confess to his…
… Erm, obviously welcome and appreciated Vanguardian support.

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Cuckoo For Coffee Cart": 11/5/09

Thanks to the coffee cart for catering our meeting the other day! My only complaint: where is my missing mug?????

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "New Kids On The Block": 11/5/09

Hey, It's great to see new students arriving. Join the Opera club! It's the coolest place to be!!!

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Art Work Destroyed": 11/5/09

Ok this is an old article but we did discover that the artwork was accidentily destroyed by an over zealous night shift maintenence worker in an attempt to clean the walls. Ok, that was a bit of a run on sentence but it's not like I teach English.

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Devil's Lake": 11/19/09

Young man, Thank you for your inquiry! The grotesque name I can not explain except to say I am who I am or who the world makes me out to be. If I remind you of a teacher I can only take that as a compliment. Teacher is an honored name and to the one who respects or reveres his teacher I say "well done".
To answer your question as to how I found this "petite blog" I say I am one who has discovered surfing in my old age and am continually surprised at the worlds I find. I firmly believe that great ideas come from "petite places".

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Devil's Lake": 12/1/08

Thank You, young man, for your interest in me. Sometimes an old man gets left behind as the train of time moves on. As someone who breathed the passion of writing, I can say "The Truth Shall Set You Free". Good writing takes risks as you are no doubt discovering. Yes, I enjoy the Vanguardian and look forward to your musings. Write on and "Know Thyself".

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Devil's Lake": 11/17/08

You kids look like you're having a great time up in the old great north. If this old man's legs still worked I would be up there too. Enjoy it while you're young. The world's your oyster!

RevoltingBlob has left a new comment on your post "Students cast their ballots": 11/17/08

This oldtimer loves his pumpkin pie with a big old scoop of whipped cream on it. Brings a smile to this sad old man'd life! It's worth it's weight in gold!

"I like to believe that there is a little bit of the Revolting Blob in all of us. The Blob has a passion for truth and exploration through journalism. All of us should embrace our inner Blobs and connect with the world around us. So you ask if I am the Blob. I ask you, are you the Blob?" (Mike O'Brien's defense to the accusations.)

Though this is all still in question, Director Mike O’Brien is currently suspected. An avid opera fan, the name “Revolting Blob” may have something to do with his comic book fetish. No, this is not for certain. Yes, Dr. Koralik and multiple Board members were suspected at one point. We’re on to you, Revolting Blob.