Monday, May 10, 2010

Cooking Club:a beloved sequel

The title gives it away.

After almost a year-long lapse, math/English teacher Megan McCann is bringing Cooking Club back to Vanguard. Tomorrow, students that plan to stay after for Super-Stay-Late-Tuesday can give testament to the new and improved Cooking Club. Lemme tell you, it's going to be awesome. For those that either weren't here last year, or for those that just didn't feel cool enough to go to Cooking Club, you could probably still guess what the club happened to be about : food.

At a glance, it seems that you get points just for eating. That's actually pretty accurate, and you learn how to cook in the process. "I like cooking, and I really like eating, so it's nice, " TJ Kleinschmidt said. That's the gist of it, to be honest. You really just have to go, to REALLY understand it. It's perfect, to say the least.

Well, the Cooking Club's schedule is undoubtedly ALL over the school by this point, so if you're interested, definitely tell McCann.

Story by Kevin Bazarek

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