Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to your Roots!

Vanguard Student Marisa Sneider performs her heart out at the House of Blues.
Vanguard students Branden Martinez and Kevin Bazarek performing at House of Blues in Chicago.

The Blues is one of the most profound subjects to talk, sing, and dance about. It’s known not only as a musical genre, but as a way to connect, a way to feel, and a way of life for many people around the world.

This year brings with it Vanguard’s first official mini tour in all of 11 years.

Mrs. Cuevas said, “It was an exceptional experience. It was a great opportunity to work with students on the same personal level. We’ve never had it before, but music learning is awesome. It’s one of the best times we’ve had.”

Students had a chance to participate in a great range of activities during this short 20-day period.

KC Iatropoulos said, “It was something different, something we haven’t done before.”

Students learned quite a bit about the Blues history, and how the Blues lends itself heavily to African American culture. There was lots of painting, coloring, food, smiles, and a lot of overall expression.

At the end of the tour, students rocked out in a Blues-filled show at the House of Blues. “It was a once in a lifetime experience,” Branden Martinez said. “I’m a musician, and what happened at the House of Blues is every musician’s dream.”

Article by Kevin Bazarek

House of Blues photo courtesy of

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