Monday, November 17, 2014

25 Things You Didn't Know About Fight Club

by Gabriela San Felipe

So, I know this isn't entirely school-related, but I'm practicing my article writing skills. Here's an article I wrote, about an article, about a movie...

Original article:

My review of the article relating to the book:

If you’ve ever read Chuck Palahniuk’s “Fight Club,” then you’ve already experienced the gut wrenching twists that this novel has in store. But what about the twists in the movie? In the 1999 film "Fight Club," the minds of Chuck Palahniuk and David Fincher come together to create something that is no less than a masterpiece. In Fight Club, the presence of consumerism, anarchy, and down right insanity are thrown in your face at alarming speeds. But this article proves that the quieter, less noticeable hints of corruption, the ones that creep into our subconscious and grab hold of our bones, are really what need to watch out for. This article helps us realize just how much of Palahniuk's message we have missed, and when we are able to take on a new perspective of the film, we can laugh at the irony that Fight Club had originally intended.

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