Friday, December 3, 2010

And the Winner Is...

At 6 o’clock on Thursday morning, Superintendent Dr. Schuler notified staff via email that District 214 won the Lincoln Foundation’s 2010 Bronze Award for “Commitment to Excellence.”

According to, “The Lincoln Foundation for Performance Excellence is a not-for-profit organization backed by both private and public funding. The Foundation seeks to help Illinois organizations continuously improve their performance by encouraging, developing and highlighting excellence among five sectors: industrial enterprises, service providers, health care organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies.”

Multiple students and teachers within the district were interviewed by the foundation. Lincoln focused on topics such as leadership, communication, finances, goals, and the ultimate results of how the district is run when they are judging for the award.

The Lincoln Foundation’s evaluation team interviewed Mr. O’Brien. He says, “Having a school such as Vanguard in the District shows how invested the district is in the students.”

To even be a contender for an award, you have to apply or be nominated. For this reward, the district applied. The form had to have a five-page maximum profile, a fifty-page maximum application page, and much more.

Though it is not known how the Lincoln Award will impact Vanguard, or any of the schools in particular, the foundation will give the district handy tips of improvement. Associate Superintendent for Educational Services Rosemary Gonzalez-Pinnick says, “This should impact everyone in the district. In January, we will receive a written report judging how we function as a company. We want to be as high functioning as possible.”

According to Director of Staff Support Judith Minor, “This award is notable, and has a high external validation.” Ms. Minor went on to explain how the award is held high in regard, and how momentous this award actually is.

In the past, two service sites received the award, John Jay Elementary School and Forest View Elementary School.

Keep up the good work, students and staff!

Story by Annemarie Schaefer

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