Tuesday, January 26, 2010

$550 (Plus Change..)

An earthquake devastated the country of Haiti, as of January 12th at approximately 4:53 P.M. 10 miles from the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, this quake has left this third-world country in shambles. While various other countries are attempting to pick the pieces of this geographic “Humpty Dumpty,” still many other organizations and programs are trying their best to aid Haiti.

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, the island nation of Haiti was struck with a 7.0 earthquake that has left hundreds of thousands of people homeless sick, injured, orphaned, or dead. Vanguard School decided to help.

On February 26th Vanguard School held a 3-on-3 double elimination charity basketball tournament to raise money for Haitians in need of medical attention due to the devastation. All funds went to Doctors Without Borders, an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors to aid people whose survival is threatened by natural disasters.

"Not to repeat myself with you, but I really like the program Doctors without Borders. Even though it's not directly helping Haiti, these doctors know what they're doing." Natalie DeMeo said.

In an effort to combine fun and fellowship, our students participated in all-day basketball games, earning credit in service learning, P.E.  and quite a sweat.

"Oh man. Nobody's talking about steps to prevent this in the future. What can we do to prevent an earthquake from destroying yet another country?" Joe Impastato said. Maybe Pasta watched 2012 one too many times.

With only a ten dollar donation, our students were able to participate in the event that not only raised money but raised awareness.

Each team consisted of three players and was be co-ed (staff is encouraged to participate). The first team to score 11 points wins – but everyone wins when donating to a good cause!

Story by Kevin Bazarek
photo copied from USA Today

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