Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet the Staff! 12

Mid-February, about 20 Vanguard students and staff, including myself, traveled up to Baraboo, Wisconsin for a three-day educational field trip in the woods. While there, our guide, John Heusinkveld, opened us up the the beauty of Treehaven’s land. Treehaven is located at a satellite campus for the University of Wisconsin-Stephens Point. It’s a winter wonderland of over 1,400 acres.

John has worked for Treehaven for ten years. He says, “I love the outdoors. When I was little, my friends and I would just go and play in the woods. I believe I was predisposed with fascination to the outdoors.” John’s job at Treehaven includes coordinating educational trips such as the one we took, and educating people on the woods by teaching them in the classroom or taking them on different types of tours around the land. “For me, John was a big part of Treehaven. He taught me so much within those three short days. You could tell how passionate he is about his work and the forest,” says Chris Pehm.

John will be recognized with a 214 Distinguished Service Award because of his dedication to

Vanguard, and will be coming down to accept it March 17 at the Board Meeting. Students are invited to attend for the presentation.

Staff members consider John a guest teacher and an honorary member of the Vanguard staff. One staff member said one of the highlights of the yearly trip is getting the chance to spend time with John.

AMS: What’s your most embarrassing moment?
JEH: I don’t embarrass very easily.

AMS: What’s your best high school memory?
JEH: My French class was a great part of my high school career. My teacher really got the class

involved and showed us that learning can be fun. I was also in gymnastics and that was a lot of fun. We went to some pretty big meets.

AMS: If you were stranded on a tropical island what are three things you would bring with you?

JEH: I would bring unlimited food and water, a human companion, and unlimited reading supplies.

AMS: If you could time travel to any year, what year would you go to and why?

JEH: I’d want to go to the year that I was born (1961) to see what the world was like and get a grasp of the people’s perceptions on war, government and environment back then.

AMS: What’s your dugout song?
JEH: Any song by Aerosmith or Van Morrison. They really pumped me up in high school.

AMS: Who would play you in a movie of your life?
JEH: Robin Williams. [Thad agrees]

AMS: If you were on death row what would be your last supper?

JEH: I’d have a Venison back strap braised with olive oil, a thousand peas, and Caverne wine.

AMS: What dance describes you?
JEH: “The Jitter Bug” because I’m always moving until the music is over.

AMS: Do you have Beiber Fever?

JEH: Uh, no. I seem to be immune.

Interview by Annemarie Schaefer

Monday, February 14, 2011

Start Raising Money for Hoops for Haiti

Clean off your Air Jordans, your Chucks, your LA Gears and get ready, because Hoops For Haiti 3 on 3 tournament is in less than two weeks. The challenge will be all day, Friday, February 25th.

Throughout the years, teachers and students have teamed up to compete in a championship, which raises money for different causes. This year, the money will go to Doctors Without Borders, which is an organization that provides attention to people affected by the natural disaster in Haiti. Students raised over 800 dollars for last year’s tournament. All the funds went to Doctors Without Borders.

Haiti was struck with a massive earthquake last January. They are now battling cholera, hunger, and violence. According to staff, Vanguard wants to continue to support Haiti since so many have already forgotten.

Last year, over 45 students participated by playing, fundraising or scorekeeping. Luke Maj, Sandra Caldera, and David Rosen won the tournament in a very close game. “Our goal this year is to raise more money than we did last year. $900 would be great,” says Mr. Markos.

Bruno Kelava, 20, participated in the tournament three different years, and won every time. Staff is still deliberating on whether or not he should be eligible. “I think I should still be able to play. It will be a good challenge for the younger kids. If they beat me, their self esteem will go up,” says Bruno. His team is still undecided, if he’s allowed to play.

On the contrary, Mr. Markos says that Bruno is up to 5 years older than some students here and that puts them at an unfair advantage. The decision is ultimately up to him, and he is still undecided.

If you want to join the tournament, talk to Mr. Markos. All checks should be made payable to Doctors Without Borders. Students must raise at least $10 to play.

Hope. Hoops. Haiti and Humanity.

Story by Annemarie Schaefer

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meet the Staff 11!

Bobbi Felfle is one of Vanguard’s instructional assistant. She recently graduated from Roosevelt University with plans to be a history or special ed. teacher. Ms. Felfle takes on a lot of special projects like Market Day which generates a lot of monies for our Student Activities Account. Ms. Felfle tough exterior is balanced by her warmth and attentiveness to students’ needs.

AMS: What’s your most embarrassing moment?

RFF: This one time, I was getting a newspaper out of the machine and the zipper of my coat got stuck. People thought I was trying to steal a newspaper.

AMS: If you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?

RFF: I would go to 45 BC because I would want to spend time with Julius Caesar. He’s my historical hero and I don’t believe he was a tyrant.

AMS: If you were stranded on a tropical island, what are three things you would bring?

RFF: I would bring a lifetime supply of fresh water, my family, and music.

AMS: What’s your best high school memory?

RFF: Graduation because I transferred schools when I moved to South America and I was so far behind that people never thought that I would graduate.

AMS: Where do you see yourself in fifteen years?
RFF: I see myself being able to spend six months out of every year traveling to different places in the world.

AMS: What’s your dream job?

RFF: Editor of Vogue because I love fashion, I love every thing that goes into being a princess, and I think vogue is at the top of that feeding chain.

AMS: What’s your dug out song?

RFF: “Unwell” by Matchbox 20. They’re just fun. I like them.

AMS: Who would play you in a movie of your life?
RFF: Jennifer Lopez.

AMS: What dance describes you?

RFF: The Waltz describes me because it’s elegant.

AMS: If you were on death row, what would be your last supper?
RFF: Medium rare steak, garlic mashed potatoes, sweet corn on the side, chocolate mocha ice cream, and Merlot.

AMS: Do you have Beiber fever?

RFF: No, but I have Donny fever. (Osmond)

Interview by Annemarie Schaefer